Today's guest is Sue Brown, Executive Group Director of Sustainability at Worley.. As a leading global provider of professional project and asset services in the energy, chemicals and resources sectors, Worley is on the frontlines of doing the actual work to engineer and build everything we're going to need for the clean energy transition, and they're doing so across industries and the globe. The dual challenge of supplying energy to a growing population, while addressing the risks of climate change, is one of the greatest challenges the world is facing today. Be part of the solution.The dual challenge of supplyingSee this and similar jobs on LinkedIn. UBS is also neutral on Worleys stock but raised its 12-month price target after the companys annual results to $11.65 per share from $11.45 per share previously. While CFOs may not have traditionally led the way, they are increasingly expected to play a more active role. We believe in the safety, health . Our commitment to People, Planet and Sustainability is demonstrated in Worley's broader ambitions in the energy transition space extend from early-stage concept and feasibility through to delivering full EPC and EPCM packages. Planet and Sustainability is demonstrated in Worley's broader ambitions in the energy transition space extend from early-stage concept and feasibility through to delivering full EPC and EPCM packages. It's driven by the urgent need to address climate change, and the development of cheaper, lowemissions technologies. Oil made travel easier than it had ever been before. p.a. The company observes global oil companies are becoming, more generally, energy companies and still require traditional operations to be serviced. BANGKOK - July 21, 2021 - Thai Union Group PCL. Worley's five-year senior unsecured bond comes with a sustainability performance target of reducing its absolute scopes 1 and 2 emissions by at least 57,177t carbon dioxide equivalent by FY2025, compared to its 2020 baseline. Make a real difference - witness the results - be a part of the Worley journey today! If you have any questions, please get in touch. It has piloted its Sustainable Solutions process to reduce carbon emissions on customer projects and its strategic ventures in onshore and offshore wind and distributed energy systems. Macquarie assesses cost savings and constant currency revenue growth rather than the mix of business are the likely drivers of a better second half compared with the first. impacts on the state of the environment. How we're helping our customers move from linear to circular models. UBS highlights atrack record in designing and delivering technically complex projects will stand the business in good stead, as there is significant scale with a global workforce of over 48,000 engineers and project services staff. Creating a greener and more equitable world, the Miller Worley Center for the Environment prepares environmental leaders for today and the future by promoting a culture of environmental sustainability and justice on campus and beyond. Invest AUD100 million over three years to build our sustainability competencies. But this isn't our first energy transition. 2016_Corporate_Responsibility_Report.pdf (English) . In its investor briefing the company has emphasised a longer-term energy transition outlook, expecting $128-469bn of addressable expenditure per annum to 2030 across these sustainability segments. Calibration of Sustainability Performance Target (SPTs) Worley has established an SPT to reduce absolute Scope 1 and 2 emissions by at least 57,177t CO2-eq. Worley has made a firm commitment to support the energy transition, and central to this is ensuring Project Delivery adheres to cost, schedule and quality and meets appropriate legislation and standards. We're moving towards net zero and addressing global energy security and sustainability challenges. Measuring change in the race to deliver net zero. Minera plans and develops technology programs for mining operations that fit within their current processes and can help them improve on their existing technology. Were working with our customers and creating partnerships to find solutions that enable sustainable growth. Her interests include bridging sustainability research and industry practice. Environment. The joint venture will develop and run both recycling facilities as greenfield projects. The FREE newsletter covering essential news for environment and energy professionals. As leaders in energy, chemicals and resources, we have a responsibility to shape and support the future of our markets in sustainable development. " . We're delivering on our own sustainability commitments and improving our environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance. Planet and Sustainability is demonstrated in Worley's broader ambitions in the energy transition space extend from early . FNArenais proud about its track record and past achievements: Ten Years On, Click to view our Glossary of Financial Terms, For more info SHARE ANALYSIS: WOR - WORLEY LIMITED, FNArena 2023. Christopher G. Worley is a research scientist at the Center for Effective Organizations at the University of Southern California Marshall School of Business and an assistant professor in Pepperdine University's Master of Science in Organization Development program.Edward E. Lawler III is the director of the Center for Effective Organizations and distinguished professor of business, also at . Every day, amazing people do amazing things. The Sustainability Performance Target Minimum Score Condition will be met if Edenred reaches at least 2 out of 3 of the above mentioned KPIs. However, we still see tough conditions in the near term as capex spending remains subdued.. What we're doing to support our climate change position statement. The DJSI are float-adjusted market capitalized weighted indices that measure the performance of companies using selected environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria. Only then can the journey to reduce the carbon intensity of industrial processes happen without impacting productivity or financial performance. Intermediate Marine Structural Engineer. Acquisition. Refinery revenue, currently15% of total revenue,is expected to shrink going forward because of structural refining overcapacity and a shift to electric vehicles. Energy transition and circular economy opportunities represent 23% of total sales factored into the pipeline, up from 11% in November. Develop a plan to support biodiversity and nature positivity in our project work. While only $3.5 billion of its $14.3 billion order book was composed of sustainability projects at the end of June, Worley said almost half of likely future work will be sustainability projects . Marian was responsible for Sustainability and Assurance activities at Worley, providing leadership of the Group Project Management Office, Corporate Procurement, Innovation and business assurance on the effectiveness and efficiency of the Worley internal controls, reliability of reporting and compliance with laws and regulations. The average employee at WorleyParsons makes $86,748 per year. Goldman Sachs, not one of the seven stockbrokers monitored daily on the FNArena database, has a Buy rating and $15.60 target while the database has two Buy and four Hold ratings. This year, we've expanded our Scope 3 reporting to include 11 out of the 13 applicable Scope 3 categories to us, as defined in the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. Worley is committed to making a difference and we currently have exciting projects delivering energy transition . Part of a sustainability or corporate (social) responsibility report, This COP qualifies for the Global Compact Advanced level, Includes a CEO statement of continued support for the UN Global Compact and its ten principles, Description of actions or relevant policies related to Human Rights, Description of actions or relevant policies related to Labour, Description of actions or relevant policies related to Environment, Description of actions or relevant policies related to Anti-Corruption, Meets all criteria for the GC Advanced level. We support the well-being of our people, enabling them to drive sustainable impact. Worley : Recognition for our sustainability leadership. Sustainalytics is of the opinion that the Worley Limited Sustainability-Linked Bond Framework aligns with the Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles 2020. 2016/10/06 Time period. The energy transition is a change in how humanity develops, uses and benefits from energy. Worley is a leading global provider of professional services in the energy, chemicals and resources sectors. Company. We put sustainability at the heart of everything we do We work with business to develop the right strategy, log in to a digital future, secure and safeguard social license, enhance local . The reporting commitments are aligned with the SLBP. Worley. Worley Limited commits to report on an annual basis on its performance on the KPI in its annual Sustainability Report, the ESG section of the Annual Report, and on the Company website. No portion of this website may be reproduced, copied or in any way re-used without written permission from FNArena. The boss of global engineering group Worley cannot hide his enthusiasm over the future of energy. We're moving towards net zero and addressing global energy security and sustainability challenges. We work with business to develop the right strategy, log in to a digital future . JP Morgan analyst Mark Busuttil, who has a 12-month target of $11.30 per share on Worleys stock and a neutral rating, said some investors may be overly optimistic on the timing of the companys future earnings growth. Alignment of client sustainability and . It will put people back to work, help communities rebuild, and support achievement of the Paris Agreement. Helping our customers meet the demands of the global energy transition. This was the beginning of the transportation revolution. 1 Combined with renewable energy. "Worley's core markets appear to be strengthening and the business is investing in sustainability and new energy areas," equity analyst Adam Martin said. Australian engineering firm Worley, rated BBB (S&P), broke important new ground on Tuesday with a well oversubscribed 500m (US$611m) no-grow five-year senior unsecured sustainability-linked . The Framework has been established in accordance with . We were recognized as best in class for sustainability performance for the DJSI Australia and the DJSI Asia Pacific given our headquarters in Australia. Find Worleys Sustainability Report 2020 here. Any relevant policies, procedures, and activities that the company plans to undertake by its next COP to fulfill this . This year, more than 10,000 publicly traded companies were invited to participate in the S&P Global CSA. A secondary role will include proposal generation and technical expertise in support of sales opportunities. Sustainability the watchword for Worley. Hence,Macquarie points to aspects of the traditional business that are under structural pressure and whilenew sustainability opportunities offer a substitute this could come at some cost to traditional business. Inclusion of reference to the principles contained in the relevant international labour standards in contracts with suppliers and other relevant business partners, Specific commitments and Human Resources policies, in line with national development priorities or decent work priorities in the country of operation, Reflection on the relevance of the labour principles for the company. Mr Ashton has promised to give shareholders more detail on Worleys targets for making money from sustainability projects at an investor day in December. Worley has established a new emissions baseline that takes account of the merger of WorleyParsons and Jacobs Energy, Chemicals and Resources division in April 2019. The last few months of 2022 saw me go back to academic learning for the first time in over a decade, with the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL) studying Business . and was issued on July 20, 2021. Sustainalytics considers the SPT to be aligned with the Issuer's sustainability strategy and considers the SPT to be highly ambitious based on a comparison with past performance and peers targets, and on its alignment with science-based trajectories. big and growing market for energy transition projects. Worleys forecast that it could get 12 per cent of an estimated US$100 billion ($137 billion) in global spending on carbon capture and storage projects by 2025 could be significantly underestimating the prize with some spending forecasts as high as US$680 billion, Mr Levy said. We will set 1.5C aligned science-based targets. We've also been reducing our waste in our offices, and showing our people how to recycle correctly. This year, weve expanded our Scope 3 reporting to include 11 out of the 13 applicable Scope 3 categories to us, as defined in the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. Were also making assets more resilient to climate change. As part of an effort to extract minerals in more sustainable ways by using new technologies, Worley has acquired Minera Mining Technologies. Worley Acquires Minera to Improve Mining Sustainability. How we're supporting our customers in delivering a more sustainable world. June 14, 2021 Sonia . The future of energy depends on a range of technologies and people working together. Advisian - the consulting arm of Worley. In its investor briefing the company has emphasised a longer-term energy transition outlook, expecting $128-469bn . . We're proud to share the progress we have made in delivering sustainable solutions for our customers, while advancing our own commitments and ESG performance: Wednesday, 22 February 2023 at 10:00am AEDT. Internal verification process is completed. Worley has established an SPT to reduce absolute Scope 1 and 2 emissions by at least 57,177t CO2-eq. whistleblower mechanisms) for reporting concerns or seeking advice regarding environmental impacts, Assessments of lifecycle impact of products, ensuring environmentally sound management policies, Support by the organizations leadership for anti-corruption (B4), Carrying out risk assessment of potential areas of corruption (D3), Human Resources procedures supporting the anti-corruption commitment or policy, including communication to and training for all employees (B5 + D8), Internal checks and balances to ensure consistency with the anti-corruption commitment (B6), Management responsibility and accountability for implementation of the anti-corruption commitment or policy (D7), Communications (whistleblowing) channels and follow-up mechanisms for reporting concerns or seeking advice (D9), Internal accounting and auditing procedures related to anticorruption (D10), Actions taken to encourage business partners to implement anti-corruption commitments (D6), Publicly stated formal policy of zero-tolerance of corruption (D1), Commitment to be in compliance with all relevant anti-corruption laws, including the implementation of procedures to know the law and monitor changes (B2), Policy on anti-corruption regarding business partners (D5), Statement of support for international and regional legal frameworks, such as the UN Convention against Corruption (D2), Detailed policies for high-risk areas of corruption (D4), Leadership review of monitoring and improvement results (D12), Outcomes of integration of the anti-corruption principle, Public legal cases regarding corruption (D14), Use of independent external assurance of anti-corruption programmes (D15), Align core business strategy with one or more relevant UN goals/issues, Develop relevant products and services or design business models that contribute to UN goals/issues, Adopt and modify operating procedures to maximize contribution to UN goals/issues, Pursue social investments and philanthropic contributions that tie in with the core competencies or operating context of the company as an integrated part of its sustainability strategy, Coordinate efforts with other organizations and initiatives to amplifyand not negate or unnecessarily duplicatethe efforts of other contributors, Take responsibility for the intentional and unintentional effects of funding and have due regard for local customs, traditions, religions, and priorities of pertinent individuals and groups, Publicly advocate the importance of action in relation to one or more UN goals/issues, Commit company leaders to participate in key summits, conferences, and other important public policy interactions in relation to one or more UN goals/issues, Develop and implement partnership projects with public or private organizations (UN entities, government, NGOs, or other groups) on core business, social investments and/or advocacy, Join industry peers, UN entities and/or other stakeholders in initiatives contributing to solving common challenges and dilemmas at the global and/or local levels with an emphasis on initiatives extending the companys positive impact on its value chain, Publicly recognize responsibility for the companys impacts on internal and external stakeholders, Define sustainability strategies, goals and policies in consultation with key stakeholders, Consult stakeholders in dealing with implementation dilemmas and challenges and invite them to take active part in reviewing performance, Establish channels to engage with employees and other stakeholders to hear their ideas and address their concerns, CEO leads executive management team in development of corporate sustainability strategy, defining goals and overseeing implementation, CEO publicly delivers explicit statements and demonstrates personal leadership on sustainability and commitment to the UN Global Compact, CEO promotes initiatives to enhance sustainability of the companys sector and leads development of industry standards, Make sustainability criteria and UN Global Compact principles part of goals and incentive schemes for CEO and executive management team, Board of Directors (or equivalent) assumes responsibility and oversight for long-term corporate sustainability strategy and performance. The COP incorporates the following high standards of transparency and disclosure: Criterion 2: The COP describes value chain implementation, Criterion 1: The COP describes mainstreaming into corporate functions and business units, Criterion 5: The COP describes effective monitoring and evaluation mechanisms of human rights integration, Criterion 4: The COP describes effective management systems to integrate the human rights principles, Criterion 3: The COP describes robust commitments, strategies or policies in the area of human rights, Criterion 8: The COP describes effective monitoring and evaluation mechanisms of labour principles integration, Criterion 6: The COP describes robust commitments, strategies or policies in the area of labour, Criterion 7: The COP describes effective management systems to integrate the labour principles, Criterion 11: The COP describes effective monitoring and evaluation mechanisms for environmental stewardship, Criterion 9: The COP describes robust commitments, strategies or policies in the area of environmental stewardship, Criterion 10: The COP describes effective management systems to integrate the environmental principles, Criterion 13: The COP describes effective management systems to integrate the anti-corruption principle, Criterion 12: The COP describes robust commitments, strategies or policies in the area of anti-corruption, Criterion 14: The COP describes effective monitoring and evaluation mechanisms for the integration of anti-corruption, Criterion 15: The COP describes core business contributions to UN goals and issues, Criterion 16: The COP describes strategic social investments and philanthropy, Criterion 17: The COP describes advocacy and public policy engagement, Criterion 18: The COP describes partnerships and collective action, Criterion 21: The COP describes stakeholder engagement, Criterion 19: The COP describes CEO commitment and leadership, Criterion 20: The COP describes Board adoption and oversight, With respect to your companys actions to advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the COP describes: [Select all that apply], Which of the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) do the activities described in your COP address? For more information, visit Worley; Published. CHRIS ASHTON Worley CEO. He is . Worley Sustainability Report 2021. The company's latest sustainability report highlights progress despite the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. . Supporting the protection of biodiversity. Worley in the news Keep up to date with all the latest news, events and groundbreaking projects from our operations around the globe. Accelerating the deployment of technology. Advisian - the consulting arm of Worley. Worley is an Australia-based construction company that provides services such as engineering, procurement and consulting for the utility industry. The way we use water and produce waste is one of our material impacts on nature. We expect them to leverage their existing relationships with upstream operators to win sustainability work, as traditional energy operators ramp up their energy transition efforts., Morgan Stanley analyst Adam Martin, who has lowered his price target on Worleys stock to $11 per share from $11.30 per share previously but kept an equal weight rating, says the challenge for investors in the near term is gauging whether sustainability projects are growing fast enough to apply a higher multiple than the long-run average of the company.. Our commitment to People, Planet and Sustainability is demonstrated in Worley's broader ambitions in the energy transition space extend from early-stage concept and feasibility through to delivering full EPC and EPCM packages. I can see also how margins might be better in that space just because I think the domain expertise is still developing, and I think Worley could be very much at the leading edge of that, Mr Nayak said, adding that activity on the companys oil and gas projects could also rebound from a torrid year of deferrals and cancellations. The COP describes any action(s) that the company plans to undertake by its next COP to have the credibility of the information in its COP externally assessed, including goals, timelines, metrics, and responsible staff, Information is reviewed by multiple stakeholders (e.g., representatives of groups prioritized in stakeholder analysis), Information is reviewed by a panel of peers (e.g., members of the same industry, competitors, benchmarked leaders, others organized via Global Compact Local Network), Information is assured by independent assurors (e.g., accounting or consulting firm) using their own proprietary methodology, Information is assured by independent assurors (e.g., accounting or consulting firm) against recognized assurance standard (e.g., ISAE3000, AA1000AS, other national or industry-specific standard), Is 'in accordance - core' with GRI Standards, Applies the GRI Sustainability Reporting Guidelines or the GRI Standards, Is 'in accordance - comprehensive' with GRI Standards, Applies elements of the International Integrated Reporting Framework, Provides information on the companys profile and context of operation, Communicate policies and expectations to suppliers and other relevant business partners, Implement monitoring and assurance mechanisms (e.g. The last few months of 2022 saw me go back to academic learning for the first time in over a decade, with the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership Ellen Worley no LinkedIn: #sustainability #business #learning #change #nextsteps #freelance How we manage our water varies across our operations and locations. Delivering a more sustainable world. A case study by Ericsson showed that Boliden Aitik mine in Sweden cut more than $2.5 million off operating costs using automation. Make sustainability criteria and UN Global Compact principles part of goals and incentive schemes for CEO and executive management team. As a leader in sustainability solutions to the energy, chemicals and resources sectors, we have the opportunity to preserve and improve the state of the environment in our project work. Planet and Sustainability is demonstrated in Worley's broader ambitions in the energy transition space extend from early-stage concept . Automation is becoming a key piece in efficiency transitions across industries. Regular BTX is typically derived from the catalytic reforming of naphtha in a petroleum refinery. Board (or committee), where permissible, approves formal reporting on corporate sustainability (Communication on Progress), Opportunities and responsibilities that one or more SDGs represent to our business, Where the companys priorities lie with respect to one or more SDGs, Goals and indicators set by our company with respect to one or more SDGs, How one or more SDGs are integrated into the companys business model, The (expected) outcomes and impact of your companys activities related to the SDGs, If the companies' activities related totheSDGs are undertaken in collaboration with other stakeholders, SDG 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere, SDG 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture, SDG 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages, SDG 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all, SDG 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls, SDG 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all, SDG 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all, SDG 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all, SDG 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation, SDG 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries, SDG 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable, SDG 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns, SDG 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts, SDG 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development, SDG 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss, SDG 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels, SDG 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development. How NEBA-CA can create the best offshore infrastructure decommissioning solution, The Clean Energy Transformation: Where Weve Been, Where We Are, and Where Were Going, Using ISO Management Systems to Reach ESG Goals, Complete Onsite PFAS Treatment in Aqueous Streams: Bridging the Gap Between Concentration and Destruction, 5 Trends and 5 Considerations about Air Pollution Controls And Why You Should Care, 5 Steps to Launching and Nourishing an Emissions Reduction Program, How to Evaluate, Choose, and Manage Your EHS&S Software Solution, Top 2022 Technology, Compliance and ESG Trends: How Organizations Will Adapt to a Shifting Landscape, 3 Top Tips to a Comprehensive Water Stewardship Program, Case Study: Fareva: Dishing Out a Big Dose of Sustainability, Checklist: Understanding Your Liquid Waste Disposal Options, [countdown date="19 July 2022" timezone="-5" hour="3" format="dHM" event="Register for the 2022 E+E Leader Solutions Summit today! 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Doom Vega Voice Lines, Sarah Abrams Obituary, Cyberpunk What Happens If You Fail A Gig, Tiktok Mountain View Office Address, Articles W